If you're interested in how to go about making a submission to Hamilton City Council about the proposed district plan's effects on the Riverlea industrial area, you're in the right place. More information will be coming soon.
In the meantime, you can look at the proposed district plan by clicking here. The most pertinent chapter for us is chapter 9 Industrial Zone, especially section 9.3 Activity Status. There are plenty of codes here (P, RD, NC etc... click here for an explanation of what they stand for.)
This page tells you how to make an on-line submission and also has a link to a pdf page that you can print out to make a hard copy submission.
Also relevant are:
- the maps: number 58A is the zoning map for the Riverlea area, and 58B is the features map.
- chapter 20 Natural Environments. It refers to Hamilton's Significant Natural Areas. They are listed here, and eight of them surround the Riverlea industrial area! (The Mangaonua gully and stream border the south side of Riverlea Road).
One of our society's main aims is to have the rules of the Riverlea industrial area changed so that heavy industry - particularly noxious and offensive activities - cannot establish there. Now is our chance to do this by making submissions to Hamilton City Council's Proposed District Plan by 29 March 2013. Please scroll down the list of posts on the main page for more information, and explore the other pages.